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Motostudent competition

Motostudent is a challenge that was born in Aragón, known as the motor city, that consists in a competition between engeneering universities from all around the world. The goal is the structural design of racing motorcycles and their later manufacturing. Each prototype must pass challenging estability and rigidity tests for competing later in a race where motocycles will be pushed to the limit by promotion cups' pilots. Behind this competition lies Dorna, which is the manager of the world Championship of moto GP competition and the Aragonese motorcycle federation

The projects will face in the competition to some technical tests during some days, those technical test are carried out in the facilities of Motorland Aragón during a weekend in the month of October 2020, having as critical test the final race of MotoStudent. The evaluation is not limited to a race in which the fastest rider wins, it can be separated into two phases: MS1 and MS2.

In the MS1 phase the teams are asked to show and explain the prototype design developed and the industrialization project for the mass production in which the following will be evaluated: cost, design, innovation, industrialization, presentation...
The MS2 phase consist in several test designed to evaluate de dynamic behaviour and the performance of the manufactured motorcycle, to check the security and functionality, as well as the the teams skills in mechanics and organization.